Pull Up with ADCOLOR
Pull up everyday
Theme & interactive launch video for AdColor.
In 2020, AdColor, the organization that champions diversity in creative fields, celebrated its conference virtually. So for 2021, their return to being an in-person event, we poured ourselves into making it their best ever by thinking of their theme, design, and the most action-packed film ever.
For the launch film, we wanted to do more than just talk the talk. We wanted to give people tangible actions so they could pull up for others. We brought together a group of diverse artists to feature and filled every frame with dots that link to different ways for people to act, donate, shop, or share.
Please watch the interactive film here.
Merch done by multicultural artists.
Featured in: Love The Work by Cannes Lions
Agency: Droga5
ECD: Karen Short
AD: Macaihah Broussard, Eunie Jang, Germany Lancaster, Ted Pedro
CW: Nate Richards, Cristina Márquez
Designers: Kenisha Rulan, Fabian Grateroles, Leslie Cheng
Producer: Volney Guzman
Directed by: Boma Iluma